the cat

Projects Lastplay

Mobile app to manage sports tournaments


January 2023


UI Designer

Lastplay is a mobile application that offers specialized free services to manage sports tournaments (tochito, soccer, and basketball). After identifying the users involved in this type of tournament, we identified three user types with different needs: admin, player, and guest.

Based on the business and user needs, we defined the minimum features needed to provide a good experience in the app. Admins can create a tournament, add teams, and players, publish the game schedule, and track the score of each match; players can register for a team, keep track of your game schedule, and view general tournament information and a visitor can be aware of the schedule of your favorite teams.

My role in this project was to improve the user interface, take the brand guidelines and redefine the user experience through improvements to copy, workflows, and user interface elements considering the technical limitations and business requirements.

Understanding and definition

For reasons of privacy business requirements and research results have not been included here. But, based on the research step results, the first design proposal was done in two parts:

Site map / Information Architecture

Low-fidelity wireframes from scratch

UI Design

After advancing to and testing medium-fidelity wireframes, a mood board and style guide were created to get started on high-fidelity wireframes.

These are the mockups designed before the interface updates and the mockups after new brand guidelines were applied. The improvement included copy changes, redefinition of workflows, new alternative flows that corrected errors and empty states within the application, and a large change related to interface elements and UI patterns.

Next steps

The next steps will be to measure the use of the application and organize surveys and user tests to verify the effectiveness, efficiency, usability, and user satisfaction when using the application and continue iterating based on these results. At the same time, work will be started on the admin panel that will be managed by internal staff.

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